cipher dragon
theme music: "bodies"
by drowning pool
Transportation Cipher Text
Hint: (The Art of War: The 5 Tao to know victory factors)
1. suoi rotc iveb
lliw thgi fton nace hneh wdna thgi fnac ehne hwsw onko hwen o
2. suoi rotc iveb lliw sreb munl lams denae gral yolp meot wohs ezin goce
rohw eno
3. suoi rotc iveb lliw seri sede mase htev ahsk narr ewol dnar eppu esoh
4. suoi rotc iveb lliw dera perp uneh tsti awad erap erpy lluf ohwe no
5. "One whose general is capable and not interfered with by the ruler
will be victorious."
No. 5 is already answered,
but the other 4 are encoded, a rather easy cipher text made by Cipher