Kicking off the second AOV World Title tournament title match is Cipher Dragon's Brock Lesnar vs. Richard Smoke's X-Pac!

X-Pac has an amazing entrance, and Brock quickly goes for a collar and elbow tieup.

Brock with an arm drag takedown!

Brock with a fireman's carry! He's injuring Pac with a vengence!

Pac hits a nice back body drop on Lesnar.

Ref Jack Doan is officiating this match as Lesnar rolls Pac up with an inside cradle.

1...2...kick out by X-Pac!

Lesnar goes for a back breaker, but X-Pac locks in a headlock!

Pac climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off with a high crossbody into a pin! 1...2...kick out by Brock!

Lesnar attempts a Samoan Drop, but Pac shoves him away!

Lesnar takes control again and hip tosses Pac.

Belly-to-Belly Suplex by Lesnar!

Double Leg Takedown by Lesnar!

He's hammering away at Pac!

Lesnar with a shoulder thrust in the corner, and Pac is grounded!

Lesnar goes for a spinning powerslam, but Pac hits a punch!

Pac is pushing the pace and hits an arm drag takedown!

Doan breaks Pac away from Lesnar, and Lesnar slows the pace.

Back suplex by Brock.

another attempt at a Spinning Powerslam, and another punch by X-Pac!

Pac climbs the turnbuckle, pushing the pace again, and he dives for a Flying Armbar Takedown! But, Brock gets out of the way (AC).

Brock goes for a German Suplex, but Pac goes up and over to avoid it.

Pac whips his leg around to hit Brock's face and does so, stunning him!

Pac then comes down with a knee drop to Brock's face!

Brock's in the corner, and X-Pac leaps at him and gives him a Bronco Buster!

Pac took a nice advantage, but Brock now has a chance to come back.

Brock goes for another Hip Toss, but that was once too often for him.

PAc attempts a DDT on Lesnar, but Brock counters with a double leg takedown, which is countered by a Sunset Flip by X-Pac, but countered by Brock into a bear hug!

It connects, hurting X-Pac's back!

German Suplex by Brock! 1...2...kick out by Pac!

Brock goes for a spine buster, but Pac gets in a thrust uppercut!

Pac goes for another spinning heel kick, but that was once too often for him.

Lesnar Doesn't Trust Anyone, as he goes for a samoan drop. Pac counter with a shove, but Brock swings him down with an arm drag.

Brock hooks the leg! 1...2...kick out!

Tilt-a-whirl onto Pac. And Brock is back in control.

H e goes for a back suplex, but Pac goes up and over!

Pac goes for a back body drop and hits it!

Moonsault by X-Pac! Lesnar dodges it!

Lesnar goes for an inside cradle, by Pac counters with one of his own. 1...2..kick out!

X-Pac tries to dropkick Lesnar to the floor, but Brock dodges.

Lesnar goes to throw Pac out of the ring, but he evades him (AC).

Pac hits a huge Mafia Kick!

Pac goes for a Bronco Buster, but that was Once Too Often!

Lesnar with a belly-to-belly! Countered by Pac's Inside Cradle. And Lesnar grabs the ropes.

Pac goes to dropkick Brock to the floor, and he levels him to the outside!

Pac moves out and tries for a headlock. and he connects!

Pac now attempts a hurricanrana to Brock, but Brock evades (AC).

T hey go back in, and a pin by Brock, 1...2...kick out!

Pac goes for another dropkick to the floor, and Brock tumbles out!

Pac goes out and tries for a thrust uppercut. He connects!

Pac rolls Brock back into the ring and attempts a Shooting Star Press...he hits it!

1...2...3! Its over! Pac wins! Richard Smoke is still the champ!